Amanda’s incredible Camino Journey – Practical inspiration you can enjoy in your life now.
Finally I feel it’s time to share one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. The Camino (Spain) was a dream I was inspired to create for myself.
It is an ancient pilgrim path known as The Way of St James, to Santiago de Compostela. I walked over 202km, through incredibly beautiful landscapes over 11 days. (10th September- 20th September 2018)
It was a sacred inner journey and on day 1, I was inspired to capturing the essence of each day in a video and share my energy and experiences with you.
My wish is to share the beauty, love, challenges and ‘aha’ moments of each day so that it creates even more love, joy and ease for you.
Day 1 Cacabelos to Villafranca del Bierzo 9.5km
Reflections –Leap of faith. Feel the fear and follow your heart.
Story –The moment I took my very first step on The Camino I was overcome with an intensity and outpouring of emotions all at the same time. I felt relieved, excited, sad, happy, fear, love, doubt, trust, overwhelm and faith. It was so curious and unexpected. I thought and felt all of my loved ones right there by my side, past and present. I was proud that I had overcome my personal fears and doubts and the fears others had for me. Would I be fit enough? Can I walk that far back to Santiago? Would my family be ok without me? Would I be safe going on my own? Will I get lost?
I felt excited and content that here I was taking my very first step on my journey. I had followed my heart and here I was enjoying the beauty of The Way.
Practical Inspiration –Feel and honour all of your emotions. Let them bubble up and out. Allowing even more space for love and light. ❤️😊✨
Day 2 Villafranca de Biero to Ambasmestas – via Pena Roldan the scenic route. 16.7km.
Reflections –Listen to my body. I move forward in life with ease and joy at every age. I am balanced and free. Surrender, trust and go with the flow.
Story –Today was a physical day of walking up beautiful mountains with stunning views. I had pain in my right hip on the way up the mountain. The message was move forward with ease and joy.
After arriving at Ambasmestas I found the most beautiful church and sat quietly on my own. Even though I am not overly religious I started praying. I prayed for me to move forward with joy,ease,freedom,balance and love. Then out came the tears and my mutterings “I’m scared, I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know where I’m going, I haven’t got a clue.
Please help me to accept what is, to enjoy and find love in everyday, to have the courage to move forward into the unknown trusting and having faith that more joy, love and how I can be of service will unfold. Please help me to see the messages and take inspired action. “
The relief and peace just washed over me in that moment. It was a relief to admit I didn’t have a clue about what my future held and that was OK.
Practical Inspiration –All that really matters is to notice the ease, love and joy that surrounds you wherever you are in this moment – home, work, family, friends.
Day 3 Ambasmestas to O Cebreiro
Reflections –Easing into the walking, enjoying the spectacular views and receiving messages, love and connection.
Story –The walking was so beautiful today and I started thinking about an email I had received that morning. I am always amazed at how quickly messages arrive, literally. It was from a lovely women who had been to Kerala and the Spirit of the Land Retreat with me. She had randomly (or not) sent an email to say how much she appreciated both retreats. Then she said that she hopes we encourage other beautiful people to find the stillness of their spirit. It was very clear to me that only yesterday I was asking, How can I best be of service and use my gifts. Thanks for the message I heard it loud and clear. Since returning we have planned 4 new retreats.
Practical Inspiration – Find the magic and joy in the messages that seem to be random. That book that 3 different people have mentioned, your intuition guiding you in an unexpected way (follow that before your head creates reasons to say no), trust yourself when it feels great, do it.
Click to receive more practical inspiration.from my daily videos – The Camino Day 4-11
Click to see details of the next Camino Journey I am guiding – May 2020