This topic is very close to my heart. Travel, retreats and journeys have been one of the biggest passions in my life. A close second to love and connection with all the wonderful people in my life.
I have created many wonderful holidays with family, friends and retreats on my own.
That love has also become a big part of my work and business life. I have enjoyed extensive travel in my work life as a flight attendant for 10 years. Then more recently in my business running retreats and as a guide for JOTS, facilitating at least 12 retreats all up.
When I think about why I value and love travel, retreats and journeys it fulfils a few of my basic human needs including:
• Love and connection
• Excitement of experiencing new places, people, adventures and the beauty of nature.
• The growth from having time to reflect, gain clarity and reset.
• The freedom and space away from everyday responsibilities to rest & restore.
• Contributing by facilitating Retreats so others can enjoy the stillness, fun, growth, love and connection to themselves and other incredible people.
Why do I bring this up?
After my retreats I have always thought how wonderful it would be to continue to find moments of time for myself throughout my day to connect, stay in balance and receive insights. So that my next action was inspired and clear.
I have done just that many times over the years and more recently. Like when I created a daily sacred time and space for a year, as I was training to be a Soul guide and Sacred mentor with Alana Fairchild. Then I meditated daily for over 90 days with a group of heart centered people, guided by the beautiful Susan.
Like most of us we have good intentions, we know what to do, but life gets in the way and our energy and attention gets directed to our loved ones, family, friends, business, work and community.
Don’t get me wrong, like me you are placing your energy to the things you love to do most of the time. It’s just that one day we wake up and realize we are emotionally and mentally depleted, we have lost touch with ourselves, feel out of balance and have so much to do we can’t even find the time we desperately want for ourselves.
Can you relate?
I have been inspired by my personal experience and by listening to what the incredible women I work with are asking for.
I know I can bridge that gap and offer you support and a transformational journey, where you can take action, one step at a time…..
Creating the time and space to enjoy your Inner Retreat, during moments in your everyday life.
If this resonates with you, I would love you to join us.
Creating your own Inner Retreat
A 4-week group program with a difference
Upcoming dates for 2022
Dates: 7th June – 28th June, 2022
Click to find out more and sign up.
I am so excited to connect and share this journey with you.
With love Amanda xx