“Celebrating You” on International Women’s Day 2021

Mum and I

Today I celebrate YOU and all the incredible women who have enriched my life.

Everyday I am in awe of the women I am lucky enough to connect with.
Those I have loved for years and those that I meet for the very first time.

The common link is how much they deeply care and nurture others, quite often putting their own needs to the side.

It reminds me of our beautiful Mum who was a strong, caring, resilient and loving soul. Who was always helping us, her friends and strangers alike.

This story embraces the essence of mum and still makes me cry.

It was during the last few days of mums life. My sister and I were with her in hospital and she hadn’t slept much and was very uncomfortable.

There were a few young children running up and down the corridor yelling and chasing each other.

Mum said, “ I wish they would quieten down.”
So feeling completely helpless and wanting to do anything I could to help mum feel comfortable. I said, “I will go and ask them to be quiet.”

Mum grabbed my arm and said “No Amanda don’t go. Those poor children, their mum is in the room next door and hasn’t got long to live, let them play, it’s okay.”
This stopped me dead in my tracks and reminded me of my mums huge heart, kindness and compassion. Even during the most difficult time.

I witness this everyday women pouring their heart and energy into helping, supporting and nurturing others. In so many ways – Raising children, caring for parents, being there for a husband, partner or friend, being of service through work or a business.

Today I celebrate YOU. I am aware of all you do and my wish for you today is that you receive some of that love and kindness from yourself and others today.

Much love Amanda ❤️❤️❤️


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