Motherhood – My Journey
As a health and wellbeing practitioner, I both practice and share the importance of self-love and nourishment. Learning to love and make time for yourself can be challenging however it is extremely rewarding for both you and those around you in the long run. Here is my story on learning to look after myself during the early stages of motherhood.
The first time I ever really experienced the value of nurturing myself was when my first son was about 18 months old. I was feeling run down and exhausted. Subconsciously I expected my Prince Charming to save me from this overwhelming situation. Unfortunately he was also overwhelmed at the time and wasn’t able to come to my rescue…
All of a sudden I experienced this “aha” moment. It became clear to me that I was solely responsible for looking after my own well-being. I booked myself into a health retreat in the hills for the weekend, putting myself first when I most needed it.
The resistance came thick and fast, I experienced judgement and criticism for making the hard decision to look after myself. Off I went and had the most amazing time nurturing my mind, body and soul! I practiced Reiki, Massage and lots of Mediation, providing time to reflect and connect with myself.
I returned home a new woman, more able to cope with the pressures of motherhood and with more to give to those around me.
By taking the timeout, I learnt the most valuable lesson: If my cup was empty I didn’t have the energy, health, time or love to share. When my cup was full to overflowing with love and energy, I automatically shared that with those around me and unconsciously gave others permission to do the same.
Women often say to me “I came to you because I knew you would give me permission to take some time out to care for myself.” Self care is on everyone’s program, no matter what your situation. The question is are you ready to start looking after yourself the way that you deserve?
To find out more information about the Nourishing Mothers Workshop on Friday 6th February 2015, from 10.00am – 11.30am Click Here