Reflections on our Kerala Health Retreat | Love, Connection and Rejuvenation


Amanda Hobley’s Reflections from Kerala Retreat

Amanda Hobley in Kerala

I recently returned from our Health Retreat to Kerala and have come home inspired to create even more opportunities for Women to enjoy some time in a safe space to restore, reconnect and nurture Body & Soul.

The Health Retreat in Kerala is set in a lush tropical garden overlooking the Arabian Sea and is on a sacred feminine site. Magic happens in the most unexpected ways and for me this journey had me soaking in the love of this sacred place and the precious souls that joined me for this retreat.


I felt I was love, we are all love, it flows through me, us and is in everything. LOVE equals universal life force energy. The pure joy, beauty and peacefulness of being completely present in the moment, to the Love that connects us all.
These pictures represent the LOVE I experienced.
Wrapped in the gift of love from the precious women sharing this health retreat with me.

Amanda Hobley | Health Retreat Kerala | Naturopath Perth | Women's Health

Sacred feminine healing space and meditation, sharing love, support, grounding and connection with an incredible group of Women. Beautiful vivid colourful flowers.

Amanda Hobley | Health Retreat Kerala | Naturopath Perth | Women's Health
Love is found everywhere in nature – bright green love heart leaves.

Amanda Hobley | Health Retreat Kerala | Naturopath Perth | Women's Health

Feeling the powerful energy from the waves rolling into my heart from the Arabian
sea. Nourishing my body with delicious fresh fruit.

Amanda Hobley | Health Retreat Kerala | Naturopath Perth | Women's Health

A special message and visit from a Chameleon. Beautiful vivid yellow happy flower
Another blessing.

Amanda Hobley | Health Retreat Kerala | Naturopath Perth | Women's Health

The beautiful therapists lovingly massaged, bathed and nourished and energised every
inch of my body and calmed my mind. I felt such love for their magic hands and

Amanda Hobley | Health Retreat Kerala | Naturopath Perth | Women's Health

Some insights and wisdom gained while on retreat.

• I had to have the courage to sit in the pain, move through the fear to feel the love.
• We are all totally loved, love and loving. My heart opened and received a flood of love that had always been there.
• Focus my intention and energy on the feeling of what I want.
• Each experience has value, even the ones that are challenging. It may even be showing us the things we don’t want, allowing us to focus on the things we do want.
• Life purpose – Allow the process to unfold without an agenda, follow your heart and soul. Listen carefully; you will not miss the messages and what is for you. When you feel enthusiastic, take action, one step at a time and go with the flow.

Much more has unfolded since my return and I am having lots of fun creating and following the next exciting stages of life.
Thank you for another amazing life changing experience Kerala and for sharing that with me Cate, Kerri, Julianne and Gina.

With love Amanda xxxx
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