Celebrating John Veltheim’s (Founder of Bodytalk) Life

Bodytalk John Veltheim

I wrote this post on Wednesday 23rd November 2022. It sent shockwaves through me personally and throughout the Bodytalk community all over the world. We have had many memorial services, group Bodytalk sessions and gatherings via zoom to honour and remember what an extraordinary man John was. John has left an incredible legacy for this […]

Check out my Interview with Natasha from Connected Marketing

I Had fun being interviewed by Natasha from Connected Marketing last month. The first part of the video may be interesting for other small business owners in the health and wellness industry. Natasha has helped me to set up a platform to deliver content and modules for the group and personalised programs. Other topics we covered […]

New Clinic Space at Perth Naturopathic and Herbal Clinic, North Perth

I would love to welcome you to my beautiful new clinic space. It feels like home already, here is a quick video. I look forward to sharing this space with you at your next session. I started on Wednesday 27th April and I  appreciated the warm welcome from Sue, Gordon, Emma, Amelia, Louise and Beverly. […]

Are you ready to get back on track?

Have you gotten off track? Yes, I have too. If this sounds familiar, you can get back on track more easily than you believe. You have got this! During February 2022, I joined a 30-day challenge to introduce an anti-inflammatory diet into my life. I am learning so much about myself and about change in […]

Are you ready to create your own Inner Retreat? Why its an awesome idea!

This topic is very close to my heart. Travel, retreats and journeys have been one of the biggest passions in my life. A close second to love and connection with all the wonderful people in my life. I have created many wonderful holidays with family, friends and retreats on my own. That love has also […]