I discovered BodyTalk quite by accident and what a wonderful gift it has been, both personally and
professionally. As a Naturopath, I am required to undertake continuing professional education
(typically involving seminars) in order to maintain my membership with the relevant professional
associations. It was at one of these seminars, which covered Parkinson’s and MS that I first heard
about BodyTalk.
The presenter had worked with hundreds of people with Parkinson’s and MS over decades. He identified that a common factor in each case was a major trauma event, suffered either by the person or their ancestors during their life. I turned to my mentor Lisa, who was also attending the event and said “Well that is well and good, but how do we clear trauma for someone? Lisa replied, that BodyTalk was the best way she knew of clearing trauma.
That sparked my interest immediately and I resolved to find out more by booking a session for myself. If it was effective then I would be able to refer people to a BodyTalk practitioner if they need to clear trauma.
The really amazing part was I had already been asking for a way to assist people in their healing that was simple, easy and effective. Then BodyTalk presented itself.
I had a session and was amazed at the results. I had a session that balanced my passive – aggressive behaviour. After 3 days my husband commented on how I was less likely to snap at his comments. The BodyTalk session had helped me to realise that what I had previously heard as criticism was not and the words just floated through me, instead of prompting a reaction. Ahh that was heaven.
Following this realisation, a deep, burning desire to be a BodyTalk practitioner swept over me and I have never looked back.
Yes, BodyTalk can clear an active memory (chronic stress that holds an emotion when we think of it), however that is only the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
The depth of healing that takes place still amazes me daily. I love that the innate wisdom guides me to whatever needs balancing within the body, mind, emotional or energetic areas. The bonus is that it really is simple, easy and effective.
To Book a Bodytalk session call me on 0405 344 149 or Click to book a BodyTalk session