Are you Tired of not Sleeping? Amanda’s Tips to Reduce Insomnia

Young female office worker sleep at a desk with a pile of papers

Amanda’s top tips to reduce insomnia

1. Manage your stress levels

This seems like common sense, but if your mind is busy and overthinking or stressed and worried. The increased cortisol levels decrease the sleep quality. To reduce Insomnia, here are some ideas to manage your stress.

  • Meditation before bed
  • Kick your thoughts out of bed write or journal your concerns before bed. Remind yourself sleep is for restoration and you will have time tomorrow to deal with that.
  • Appreciation practise, breathing practise, imagine a beautiful relaxing scene. All will shift your focus to relaxation.
  • Herbs to calm the nervous system/support adrenals .
  • A few drops of Lavender oil in a warm epsom salt bath before bed or a few drops of lavender oil on your neck.

2. Develop a sleep routine – 1 hour before bed:

  • Going to bed at the same time every night.
  • limit light at night, lights low.
  • No screen time or technology, lights low,
  • Wind down time, relaxing activities and all out of the bedroom until you are ready to sleep.
  • A gem for you – hold your hand at arms length and wiggle your fingers if you can see them there is too much light to stimulate the melatonin for sleep.

3. Things to reduce or limit 

  • No caffeine after noon for some non at all. Sleep effects, delayed sleep onset, decreased total sleep time.
  • No alcohol, may cause sleep disordered breathing, sleep onset problems, increased body temp at night can wake you up in the middle of the night.
  • No Nicotine
  •  Avoid foods high in tyramine after 5pm – Pizza, caviar, aged cheese, chocolate, liver, avocado, processed or cured meats.

4. Ideal Bedroom

  • Dark
  • comfortable bed
  • silent
  • Door closed
  • Clean
  • Comfortable temperature

Sleep is the foundation of health. These ideas are only basic and if they do not help with your insomnia feel free to book in for a chat if you need extra support

Here is to fantastic sleep and feeling refreshed when you wake up!

If you feel stuck in a cycle or pattern and not sure how to shift it.

If you know something has to change, but you might not be in a state of mind or have the  energy to deal with it.

Book a session with me to help you reconnect and restore yourself

I look forward to seeing you soon

With love Amanda xx

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It is important to check with a health professional and your doctor before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle.  

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